Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Julia Roberts "Who Are You" Prophecy and the Decipher is at the bottom of this Music Page.

Dear Pete Townshend and Roger Daltry, if you would be so kind to put your egos aside and humble yourselves in order to allow God's story to take place within this song of yours for the purpose of this movie production, it would be greatly appreciated. This movie production will not work without your amazing song that has been adlibbed with divinity by Jesus through the screenwriter.

Please click on the RED link to understand the movie and listen to the message below from KORNS Brian Head Welch. 


Read the ad-libbed lyrics before listening to the song. Since the song minute marks in the screenplay match the minute marks in this music video, then manipulate the following music video into karaoke for the ad-libbed lyrics and the rest of the lyrics to be recorded by the artist(s) below.

Who Are You



The Who




Kristy Sokol




Roger Daltry

and or

Alice Cooper


Back Up Singers

Nick Carter

Justin Timberlake

Pete Townshend

Duration: 0:05:10

The minute marks in the screenplay are based on this particular video. The ad-libbed version needs to be exact with this video duration and timing. 


( Who are you? )

( Who, who, who, who? )

(4 x's)


 She woke up 
In ah
Bed and breakfast

Holy rainbow 
Found her pain

He said
You can go sleep 
At home tonight

If you can get up 
And walk 
My Way

She staggered back 
To the underground

The breeze 
Blew back her hair

I remember 
Throwin' punches around

And preachin' from my chair

Well, who are you?


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


I really wanna know


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


Come on tell me, who are you


(Who are you?) 

(Who, who, who, who?)


'Cause I really wanna know


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


There's ah place 
You walk around

Where love 
Falls from the tree

Her heart is like 
Ah broken cup

Only feel right 
On my knees

You spit her out 
Like a sewer hole

Yet she still 
Your bliss

When Heaven 
Showers her
In rainbows

You've got to be
The only Way

Well, who are you?


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


Oh I really wanna know


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


Ah, who the HELMS are you?


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


I really wanna know


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


Instrumental Break


Who are you?


( Ooh wa )
Ooh wa
Ooh wa

Ooh wa
Ooh wa
( Ooh )

(6 x's)


( Who are you? ) 

( Who, who, who, who? )

(4 x's)


Ooh I really wanna know


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


I really wanna know


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


Oh tell me, who are you?


(Who are you?)

(Who, who, who, who?)


I really wanna know


(Who are you?)


I really wanna know




I really wanna know




Come on
Tell me 
Who are You



You You

Who are You


Before you look at the Julia Roberts Who Are You Prophecy, if you want to know if Troy Black is a legitimate prophet, then he prophesied the death of Queen Elizabeth 10 days before she died. Here are the videos to prove Troy's prophetic gifts from God, plus a Ray Comfort video on the queen and the Julia Roberts WHO ARE YOU prophecy with written explanations.

Now put on the
ROBE of Righteousness 
with The Holy Spirit BIRDS

In order to enter the kingdom of heaven, we must be like little children... we cannot lean on our own understanding.

The Julia Roberts prophecy has nothing to do with Julia Roberts, who is a woman of Hinduism. She ain't no Christian, pray she becomes one. It's a play on words of her name... Jewel-Ya Robe Birds, Isaiah 61:10.

In this prophecy the Holy Spirit speaks of a beautiful film and about a person's health that’s declining. That’s me. But we’ll get to that later. I’m doing this chronologically with Troys chronology.

This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy.

You are about to go through a strange denial, a transitional phase, a season of breaking down of the casual and learned roles. 

Here’s my decipher… 

Holy Spirit said, You are about to go through a strange denial. Okay I have denied that God will ensure the production of Who Are You, because I only see parts of what God is doing, and not the whole picture. 

Holy Spirit said, A transitional phase. Okay the transitional phase that I am going through is learning to say everyday to the Holy Spirit, Jesus, come into me and show me what to do, as I wait for Your perfect answers on Your perfect timing, even though I’m not perfect and stumble like a rugrat toddler child of God, which the Holy Spirit has to work through my silly body, which is out of order like a secretary on an empty football field who's office papers are flying everywhere in a tornado. I’m transitioning and learning through my sanctifications to be still and know He is God and that He’s got my back. What’s done is done. What will be done is already done. God is in control, so be it. 

Holy Spirit said,  A season of breaking down of the casual and learned roles. Okay in this, God is taking my overwhelming tasks and breaking them down to let me know that this is on His timing, not on my fast paced gotta go go go timing like working for the man, man. I’m a toddler who wants to run wild who just needs to take a nap and rest in God so He can get the job done. God is our father, but He also nurtures us as we huddle under His wings like a mother hen.

This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy… You will have to serve in ways you never have before. To be the boss and at the very same time to deny oneself for the sake of something greater than you. You will want to give up at first. 

Here’s my decipher… 

Holy Spirit says, You will want to give up at first. 
Okay I’ve never wanted to give up, but I have felt as though nobody cares about the work I’m doing for God, except for the Godhead and my husband and a few friends and one film festival that put me as a finalist, where the other 3 film festivals did not select me, which was fine because that one finalist selection was a miracle. And the words give up, has 2 meanings, as in give it up to God and He will take care of it, which is how we turn our frowns upside downs. 
We either look at things half empty of half full.

Holy Sprit said, You will have to serve in ways you never have before. Okay I am now serving God by sharing the gospel through blogs, through my testimony, and through potential TV show creations and the screenplay. 

Holy Spirit said, To be the boss and at the very same time to deny oneself for the sake of something greater than you. 
Okay I'm having to be the boss, as in my own agent, in finding ways to get Who Are You into the right hands, which most people do through agents or through other types of miracle connections. I'm denying myself fame and money because I’m doing God’s will, this is all for Him and His lost sheep. I did not make this screenplay for Christians, yet they are welcome to enjoy it and or judge it, because everybody judges.

This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy… You'll want to run back into your favorite decade and time, any way you can. Resorting to nostalgia and sentimental friendship to get by. But I am here, and I am calling out to you right now in this moment. 

Here’s my decipher… This is when I added the diamond nostalgia of Ivan and Dean to one of my blogs, which eventually caused me to add the ENCORE CREDITS to the screenplay, with the diamond scene in the encore credits, one year after I copyrighted the screenplay. I did a second copyright with the ENCORE CREDITS, I sharpened some of the dialogue, and added the Robe of Righteousness, which is the next thing the Holy Spirit speaks about with Troy.

This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy… I'm saying it's not too late for you. I've got a robe set aside for you, if you're willing to put it on. Isaiah 61:10 I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. Okay as in Julia Jewels and holy spirit robe birds rob berts. See the play on words here?

Holy Spirit said, For God to see me as Holy, to look at me without passing judgment. Someone He can accept and be with; a friend to. A robe of acceptance and love from God.

Here’s my decipher… In the screenplay and in my dream, when I'm walking on water, I did not notice what I was wearing, but the idea of Krystill in just a bathing suit during that dream sequence always bothered me. Jesus gave me insight and add-ons that He was teaching me while writing the screenplay. This is one of the teachings, Him letting me know that it's not too late to put the Robe of Righteousness into the screenplay to wrap it up, as in wrapping up the body after coming out of the living waters, which you can read about at the link in my description box.

This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy… This has to do with the declining of some one's health. A health crisis. 

My physical disabilities that began in 2015, which has caused the declining of my health has been a crisis, yet the health of my spirit is way more important than my physical body. When Jesus says to pluck out your eye or cut off your hand if it sins, He was not being metaphorical. Our sufferings bring us closer to God. My rheumatoid arthritis, which I deem rheumatoid author write us as in the author of my life, which is God, and the health crisis that we all face is truly a spiritual health crisis.
Even though my physical health is in crisis too, but like Jesus said, don’t be afraid of the one who can kill the body.
Okay so Troy claims this next part to be metaphorical, but it isn’t, it has to do with my testimonial screenplay.

This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy… This is not just another episode, another program or show. It's a film, one of the most beautiful one's ever told. It's the story of a life lived in error and then given another chance, a chance to find true freedom and knowledge, a chance to break free of the guilt and hopelessness and find meaning that this world can never suck away. 

Here’s my decipher…This film that God is speaking of is my testimony story WHO ARE YOU The Wildy-Deranged, True-Life Story of Krystill Lokos, which when I wrote my original testimony I named that Grace Under Pressure, His Eternal Love Story, but the screenplay is styled for secular crowds so the movie title is wild and fun for the seculars.

Troy saw the vision of a bed side. This is what the Holy Spirit said to Troy…  You're going to spend a lot of time there. Just waiting to see what happens next. My Spirit will call out to you during this time. And I'm speaking loudly this time, not casually. I'm calling out to you in truth. Answer Me when I do. Stand up and receive all that I have for you.

I spend a lot of time in bed due to my physical ailments, where I do listen to God, where I do rest in Him often and I’m always wanting to do more for Him. When I continually ask Jesus to come into me and give me more, He then gives me this new role of being an event planner for the Smokey Mountain Mens Retreat Rocky VS Smithy reality miniseries and the What if Hell is Real docuseries, which I’m doing as a possible 3 package deal with the screenplay for Gods kingdom.

In Troys video the holy spirit also said these 2 names
Julia Heart and Julia Pearson. What did the Holy Spirit mean by these names? I will tell you. So we’ve got…

J E W E L I A   *  ROBERTS Robe Birds * Julia as in the jewels of the robe of righteousness and the Holy Spirit Bird Robe Birds
J E W E L I A   * H E A R T *
J E W E L I A * P E A R S O N *

Julia Jewels Robe Birds Roberts Isaiah 61:10
By baptizing us in the living waters, and anointing us with holy oils, and baptizing us in holy fire by the Holy Spirit, which we know that the Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove when Jesus was being baptized by John. Julia Robe Birds, as in the Holy spirit Dove Bird and Robe of Righteousness, Robebirds, because like when people come out of a warm bath they will put on a robe. Or if they come out of the water on the beach, they may oil themselves and bask in the warmth of the fire known as the sun in the sky. But in this case when we come out of our spiritual baptism, we are anointed with Holy Oil, Holy Fire, and one day be clothed in the Robe of Righteousness when we enter into the living word of God, known as logos, for eternity. My name spelled backwards is L O K O S, which sounds like logos and is spelled kind of like logos. So that means I'm a loko toddler child, who's wild and crazy for God. Loko like kookoo bird who's under Gods feathers. 
Jesus the Son, as in PIERCE SON Julia Pearson Jesus was the son of man pierced on the cross Peirce Son. He gave us His heart as in the name Julia HEART where He is the jewel and treasure in our chest and heart. Jesus the Son as in PIERCE SON also wants to circumcise us by Piercing the Hearts of His sheep by cleaning, tilling and gardening our hearts with the word, which is the sword of truth that plows into our stony hearts, where the seed of truth is then planted and then Jesus reaps our fruits with the plowshare, which we then bear our fruit to the nations as in Matthew 25:14-30.

This is funny because my dad had a dream years ago where I was feeding the masses with a plowshare. The only way I can spiritually feed the masses with a plowshare is with my screenplay and the 2 TV shows. 


Is Jesus talking about my screenplay? Is He calling it, "A beautiful film about second chances? Is He confirming to me that Who Are You will be a movie? You tell me Mel Gibson or you tell me Pinnacle Peaks. 

Mel Gibson, Michael Wolfe, Russel Scott, David A.R. White, Becket and Victoria, the following video shows us a simulation event that points to another pandemic in 2025, much worse than Event 201, which was a SARS Covid simulation that was presented 2 months before covid by Bill Gates. We're talking polio, with children dying. 

If any of you want to nip Fauci and Gates evil plan in the bud, then make a movie based on this video before the year 2025 with part of the movie focusing on taking GOD's herbal remedies that can fight against polio. 

Here's more on spiritual baptism.

The Julia Roberts "Who Are You" Prophecy and the Decipher is at the bottom of this Music Page. Dear Pete Townshend and Roger Daltr...